Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The happiest mom in the world!

No, that's not a book title, (but it should be). It's just me, writing a follow up to yesterday's Shel Silverstein post.

Last night I sent the boys to bed with a promise I'd tuck them in when I was finished helping my daughter with her homework. As soon as I opened their bedroom door here is what I saw:

(None of these photos are staged, cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die, double swear on the Holy Bible).

Zach was reading Shel Silverstein again. Out loud! When I came in he asked me to help him find the poem about the beard so we looked through the glossary together and then he read it over and over, laughing out loud each time as if it was the funniest thing in the world. I just have to share it:

It's probably a boy thing, but whatever works.

I stretched out on my stomach on the floor and listened to him read and laugh over silly poems about thumbs and jump ropes and boa constrictors. Then he asked me to read to him, so I took the book and read about the magical eraser and the dancing pants and the recipe for a hippopotamus sandwich, feeling warm fuzzies each time he'd chuckle at a funny line. Soon I looked over and he was fast asleep.

I went to bed feeling like the happiest mom in the world.


LBBlum said...

Hey Deb
I read that Beard poem two nights ago with the boys.. they insisted I walk around to ALL four beds and show the picture. {giggling as I left each bed}.

That is great! It's amazing- if you put a little extra effort in encouraging these boys to read- THEY DO!
Too cool
I am going to show my boys- your blog after school.
Hunter will be so happy to see your sons reading Franny K Stein! He loves those books!

Michael Ip said...

What lovely pictures!
It takes me 3 years to have my daughter (aged 8) reading books in the same manner as your sons.
How great when you see them enjoy reading!!
I write blog too but in Chinese. What a pity!

What are your comments to the following book series,
1) Zack Files by Dan Greenburg
2) Jigsaw Jones by James Preller

Debbie said...

Micahel, thank you for stopping by our blog. I checked yours out too. Too bad I can't read Chinese. But I jotted down some of your favorite books as well as the Zach Files and Jigsaw Jones and I'm going to review them as soon as possible. I'm so glad to see Encyclopedia Brown on your list. I've loved that series since I was a kid. My husband too. Garrett is reading it right now and we're both going to review the series soon. Stay tuned and thanks again fro your input.

Funny Farmer said...

Shel Silverstein is the absolute best. My kids have all giggled over the Beard poem many times!