I picked this book to read because of the cover. It had a big picture of a wolf. The wolf's name was White Fang. When White Fang was a baby all of his brothers and sisters died and White Fang's mom was always protecting him. One time she protected him from another wolf and she killed the wolf. Something happened to White Fang's mom and then he became a sled dog and he was in the back, but they said to put him in front because he was the strongest wolf in the pack and he started to get wiser and stronger. White Fang killed another dog though so they let him go, but he found some white people and he saw that they treated their dogs really nicely. He made friends with Gray Beaver. This guy came over and said I want to buy this dog, but he didn't have enough money. But then he became rich and he bought White Fang from Gray Beaver because Gray Beaver didn't have any food or money. But the guy put him in a cage and made him fight with other dogs and he would whip him. White Fang fought with a bulldog and the bulldog was biting White Fang's neck and they were rolling around and Gray Beaver came and stopped the fight and bought White Fang back. Then they had a dog that always followed White Fang around , but White Fang couldn't fight back because it was a girl and at the end they got married and had 6 babies.
I liked this book a lot because White Fang was really tough and he survived. I would recommend this book to other boys my age because it's about animals and it's a really good story about friendship and it's better than other books I've read. I heard there is a White Fang 2. I want to read it.
Great book review!
I must admit my favorite part is how the boy dog can't beat up the other dog because it's a girl. That speaks volumes about Wyatt's view of the fairer sex! Love it!
Wyatt I loved your review! When I was a young girl, White Fang was one of my favorite books. I read every Dog and Horse book I could get my hands on. I am glad you loved it. Grandma
NEW Book- please...
I read White Fang 7 or 8 times. My favorite part was when the man was flexing his fingers, looking at the joints in awe, just before he thought he would die, and then the wolves were gone.
You gotta come over and play at the book club round up! You just have to !
Just found your blog. Fantastic. Keep up the great work.
Have you ever seen the Merlin trilogy by Jane Yolen? FANTASTIC boy books. And fun to read aloud too.
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